Session Description
There are many ways to infuse creativity and add some “color” into our online courses. In this session, participants will explore appropriate uses of music and humor in online instruction. Instructor creativity and imagination will be encouraged through dialogue, reflective activities, and the sharing of examples of resources.
Session Type
45-Minute Interactive Session
All Audiences
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Thank you for presenting, I found your presentation really fun and energizing! The challenge you presented us, “What are your C.R.A.Y.O.N.S.?” made me think immediately about how I can integrate some of the ideas you presented into my own work with students. I really liked how you personalize your responses to students with the GIFs and how you encourage them to personalize their learning with the song soundtrack. During your presentation, I was working on my C.R.A.Y.O.N.S. list and I just finished it: Creativity, Relevant, Active, Youthful, Observant, Nurturing (I’m a middle school teacher), Sharing. Mahalo nui loa! Aloha.
Mahaloʻiaʻoe “macv”!
**I used Google translate…I hope that’s correct for “You’re very welcome” [corrections welcome] 🙂
I am so glad you were able to attend the session. I’m delighted that you shared your C.R.A.Y.O.N.S. list with us — WOW, inspirational!
Your inclusion of “Nurturing” got me to thinking about the different forms nurturance takes based on the developmental levels of our students, and whether we are nurturing cognitive-, social/interpersonal-, or emotional/intrapersonal- development. While the form may be different at times in the online college environment, I think “nurturance” is very relevant here, as are all of the elements on your C.R.A.Y.O.N.S. list.
Mahalo nui loa for taking the time to stop into this forum and share your thoughts.