Session Description
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to identify the impact of computer-based technology on Generation Y students in the areas of learning capabilities, thinking skills and academic achievement. The researcher created a Google Classroom as a means of capturing lived experience with use of technology for online learning from 20 Generation Y students who were pursuing a bachelor’s degree from an accredited online institution. Emergent themes in the interactive, dynamic focus groups conducted through Google classroom revealed that Generation Y values the information search benefits of technology, as well as the ability to form connections via social media. At the same time, they raised concerns about information overload and heightened distractibility when searching for information online. Interestingly, most subjects reported using search engines for supplementary information rather than the main objectives of an individual assignment. EBSCO was especially praised for its value in locating peer-reviewed information relative to assignments. Brainstorming and outlining are also used by Generation Y prior to conducting specific assignment-related information searches. Members of Generation Y also believe technology has made their learning experience more productive. This includes greater networking and sharing of ideas to enhance the learning process which the online learning environment has made possible. At the same time, concerns were raised about an over-dependence on technology overall in the learning process. The results of this study can help administrators understand the lived experience of Generation Y with technology in their learning process, so as to design maximally effective learning experiences for them. They can strive to seek the optimal balance of technology infusion into the curriculum to capitalize on its potential as a time-saver without becoming a distraction.
Session Type
20-Minute Session
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